Sunday 4 September 2011

ARPEDAC work and interest in household energy, indoor air pollution and health.


ARPEDAC aims to demonstrate and advocate the sustainable use of technology to reduce poverty in Central Africa Sub-region general and in the Cameroon in particular. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of low income people in the Central Africa Sub-region through Energy Efficiency Technologies including improve stove, and through use of sustainable, safe and affordable energy small scale off-grid electricity technologies supply and services. Regarding indoor smoke alleviating technologies, ARPEDAC is doing research, capacity building and raising awareness on waste to energy (fuel briquette), improve stove, ventilation system to improve indoor air quality. ARPEDAC is also carrying on research and advocacy to create favourable policy to improve low cost homes, including waste management (briquette from waste, biogas from human manure and waste), waste water recycling systems.  


 ARPEDAC is a non-profit association involved in research and promotion of services and technologies related to energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Economic Community of Central Africa.

In the three years (2012 – 2015) in Cameroon ARPEDAC is planning to support families and children in achieving access to low cost technologies to improve their living conditions including improved indoor air quality as the result of carrying on research on cooking/lighting energy needs (for poor family/ schools ) in the capital Yaoundé, organising awareness campaign, capacity building, promoting access to good lighting, safe drinking water, household good sanitation and low cost clean energy kits. In summary our projected energy poverty relief targets for the next three years period are as follow:  

- 20,000 Solar lighting Kit for poor family
- 10 water solar pumps for schools
- 1000 Bio-sands filters for clean water
- 1000 improve stoves for poor family/ schools

- 1000 tonnes briquettes for cooking on the improve stove
- 300 m3 Biogas plan for cooking/lighting for poor family/ schools
- 1000 low energy bulbs / poor families
- 1000 Alternative water boiler Tech (Low Cost Solar Thermal ) / poor families

Set up in Cameroon, by 2015 in partnership with private and government a briquette manufacturing company.   

Social/Cultural barriers

Lack of clear policy and politic related to energy efficiency and renewable energy. Awareness about energy efficiency and renewable energy technology including improved cooking technologies is non-existent in some areas of Cameroon. Some of the main social/cultural barriers to using energy efficiency and renewable energy in that the popular three-stones fireside also serve as a source of indoor heating and light in the kitchen, in addition some low income families believe that smoke keeps away mosquitoes. Also poverty is still very high and very few families especially in the rural areas can afford improved technologies.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

  ARPEDAC is working to establish a market-based institutional delivery system of IAP alleviating technologies. To create demand, our focus is on awareness creation, credit facility, increase access to quality and smooth supply of products and income generation. To ensure supply, focus is on credit facility, training on manufacturing and business management, and support in marketing strategy.

ARPEDAC is working to developing through collaboration with governments, industry, universities, and research bodies, affordable products, practices, services and to establish a market-based institutional delivery system of improved indoor air quality technologies.  Our focus is on research and development, capacity building, awareness creation, increase access to quality and smooth supply of products and income generation.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:
ARPEDAC in order to ensure high quality of energy efficiency technologies in the Cameroonian in particular and Central Africa market in general we are trying to establish an independent testing and advisory services for low cost energy efficient cooking, heating and ventilation technologies including improve cooking.  We also trying to work and lobbying with governments, industry, universities, and research bodies to set up a standard for low income homes including related cooking, heating and ventilation technologies.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:
ARPEDAC is currently monitoring the following (i) the first ten Biosand water filters, ( ii) five improve stove (3 clay stove and 2 wood gas stove), and 100kg briquettes (from waste paper and sawdust)  which have  been all manufacturing at ARPEDAC workshop. The boiling test has being used for the stoves. ARPEDAC is also using impact monitoring questionnaires. The monitoring is expected to be complete by the end 2011.

 Our Contribution to the Partnership
ARPEDAC in Cameroon in particular and the Central Africa sub-region in general can:

-          Share research findings, experiences and case studies.

-          Engage actively in lobbying and advocacy work to influence local, regional or national strategy and policy in relation to household energy, indoor air pollution and health.

-          Organise workshops, seminars, and International conferences, and promoting household energy, indoor air pollution and health energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and eco-buildings in Central Africa

-          Provide to member of the network an independent testing and advisory services for low cost energy efficient cooking, heating and ventilation technologies including improve cooking.

 Relevant Publications or Studies

 (i)  Research on low income Household Energy Needs in Yaoundé 2, Cameroon
(ii)  Position paper on How Eco-house could contribute to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of low income families in Cameroon

Saturday 14 August 2010

ARPEDAC Online Volunteer Coordinator

We are looking for committed and dedicated Online Volunteer Coordinator for a core/leadership role. The ARPEDAC Online Volunteer Coordinator is a volunteer; he or she is NOT paid for service to ARPEDAC, and he or she provides service online from his own home or work computer. He or she:

• recruits and screens all new online volunteers who want to support ARPEDAC in some way (except for management Committee members)

• works with the management Committee to identify tasks for online volunteers, to support and manage online volunteers, and to report on the involvement of online volunteers in their core/leadership ARPEDAC tasks

• tracks all online volunteer involvement and all online-volunteer contact information (this is done currently via a spreadsheet which can be accessed via Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice or NeoOffice)

• reports to the management Committee of ARPEDAC at least every other month regarding online volunteer involvement in support of ARPEDAC (numbers, challenges, results, etc.)

• posts messages to ARPEDAC website, the CASEFforum, and others regarding online volunteer support (thanking recent volunteers, highlighting recent contributions, soliciting new volunteers, etc.)

• fully documents his or her work for future/other volunteers that will fill this position.

We are an innovative non-profit association registered in Cameroon; we are running our activities and our project in Cameroon and the Central Africa sub-region. Due to the unusual nature of our project in developing countries such as Cameroon, have local skills to develop or implement most our projects is a great challenge; therefore alternative ways to involve international professionals are indispensable. In order to achieve this, we need a professional Online Volunteer Coordinator for a core/leadership role to professionally mange those future involvements.

Your contribution as a volunteer will be to manage ARPEDAC online volunteer the way that it will significantly benefit ARPEDAC. It will help to increase recruit professional volunteers to support our cause. The primary tool for recruitment of ARPEDAC online volunteers is the UNV Online Volunteering Service web site (, with references in the ARPEDAC monthly email newsletter.

The ARPEDAC Online Volunteer Coordinator should *not* supervise volunteers providing service to in Cameroon; the core/leadership ARPEDAC volunteers are responsible for supervising their own volunteers, and reporting back to the ARPEDAC volunteer coordinator in Cameroon.

The ARPEDAC Online Volunteer Coordinator MUST:

• Be a member of ARPEDAC (membership is free)

• have managed people online in some capacity (know how to motivate, support, screen, etc.)

• know where to find volunteer management resources to deal with volunteer management/support challenges

• have excellent writing skills, particularly regarding online communications

• know how to use different worksheets within a spreadsheet file

• fluency in both English and French

• answer emails within 72 hours/three business days

• great attention to detail

• a commitment to seeing an assignment through to completion, and

• a passion for the mission of ARPEDAC .

Also, it is highly desirable that the Volunteer Coordinator knows how to use:

• very basic web-based tools such as YahooGroups, GoogleGroups, etc. to manage members or a mailing list

• online video (recording him or herself and uploading to YouTube)

• instant messaging

• Skype.

If you have proven skills and experience in managing people online and if you'd like to use your skills to make a difference supporting so many people in needs with our project, then we'd love to talk to you.

The volunteer who takes on the role of ARPEDAC Online volunteer coordinator needs to commit to do this assignment regularly for at least six months. Near the end of that period, he or she will be given the option to extend for additional months or to resign.

This is an excellent opportunity to expand your online/remote management skills, something that is looked upon very highly by potential employers.

Please send an email to , with your full name, a description of why you are interested in this position and why you feel you are qualified for such, and a CV attached.

Candidates are initially asked questions via email related to the aforementioned qualifications. If a candidate demonstrates the proper qualifications, then he or she will be asked to sign an agreement accepting the assignment for one year.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Online volunteer/internship opportunity: Website design and development

We are a new non-profit association registered in Cameroon; we are running our activities and our project in Cameroon and the Central Africa sub-region. Currently we are looking for committed and dedicated volunteers - Web Designers with previous experience to create our new website or convert our blog ( to a Website.

The new website should content the following: (1) our mission: a quick tagline to sum up what ARPEDAC is about. (2)How sponsors will be helping; let our users know what ARPEDAC do with their money once they sponsor, including to inform sponsors how they’re making a difference to peoples or someone’s life. (3)Photos and videos of families or people ARPEDAC have been help and our Current projects. (4) Donate button; allowing sponsors to get involve online. (5) Specific projects and funding goals and possibilities to show how much ARPEDAC’s raised to date related to funding goal. (6) keep in touch tagline: a sign up, mailing list and also to for newsletter about ARPEDAC activities and what is up to. (7)How industries, others people help can: make it clear that sponsors can helps in other ways; area where ARPEDAC can suggest fundraising ideas and advises how users can help promote the website and ARPEDAC via other social networking sites.

If you are a web designer student you also more than welcome as this position may suit you being a great opportunity for your final project and portfolio. It is also important for you as a student getting experience to get your future job as a WEB DESIGNER.

Please also note that this is an unpaid position, however excellent references and a certificate of achievement will be given after successful completion of the project work.

The first step should be to agree with the volunteer the content of the new website and then set up a schedule for the design of the site and its conversion to CMS. The volunteer will use information on the blog and also will receive any information including photography; he or she will then submit sample home page designs for our consideration and comments. The volunteer will also make recommendations on a cost-effective website hosting; the appropriate Content Managed System (CMS) to allow us to usually update the website.

Background Information

The fact is that due to the unusual nature of our project in developing countries such as Cameroon, have local skills and sponsors to respectively implement and fund most our project is a great challenges; therefore alternative ways of involve professional skills and to find sustainable financial to support our work is indispensable. One of the options is to develop a powerful vehicle for communicate our work and drawing supporters to the cause.

Your contribution as a volunteer will be to design a good website which can significantly benefit ARPEDAC. It will help to increase donations, recruit volunteers, and educate the public about our cause. The new website will also incorporate blogs, galleries, and mailing lists.

- 4 to 10 hours work per week for 4 or 6 weeks
- Experience and knowledge of Content Managed System (CMS).
- Experience in website design and development.
- Design a website that is easy to use, professional and informative.
- Experience in online donation

If you have proven skills and experience in website design and development, and if you'd like to use your skills to make a difference supporting so many people in need with our project, then we'd love to talk to you.

Please send your CV and covering letter regarding your interest in working for this project at

Friday 19 February 2010

La Contribution de l'ARPEDAC à la 2e Edition des Journées d'Excellence de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation au Cameroun "JERSIC 2009"

Le saviez-vous que ARPEDAC avait contribué a la 2e édition des journées d'excellence de la recherche scientifique et de l'innovation au Cameroun "JERSIC 2009"

Bien plus, les JERSIC 2009 réunissaient les différents acteurs de la recherche, à savoir, les chercheurs, les utilisateurs des résultats de la recherche, et les différents partenaires, autour des questions d'intérêt commun entre autres, les énergies renouvelables, les changements climatiques et les migrations et développement. A cet effet, plusieurs échanges scientifiques, et des travaux en commissions etaient prévus à l'hôtel Hilton de Yaoundé.

S'il vous plaît voir sur ce lien la présentation de l’ARPEDAC a ce rendez-vous :

Mempouo Blaise
Le President

Tuesday 12 January 2010


La famille NGOA, Mr et Mme NGOA et Quatre enfants à Yaoundé 2, est une famille a faible revenu qui vit à Nkomkana. Madame NGOA a couramment des problèmes respiratoires et les deux enfants ont habituellement des maux de tête et vertiges, ceux-ci signalent qu’ils utilisent le feu de bois (voir Photo ci-dessous) et sont affectés par la fumée de cuisson. La famille a des difficultés pour payer leur factures d’électricité et de s’approvisionné du bois.

A l’intérieur de la maison la seule forme d'énergie de cuisson c’est le feu du bois et la fumée pollue tout l’environnent de la maison, laisse les parfums sur leurs habits. La facture mensuel du mois de Décembre a été plus de 15 000 FCFA pour le bois de cuisson, et 10 000FCFA pour l’électricité et ils avaient des difficutes à payer leurs factures et aussi à s’approvisionner du bois.

Apres une campagne de sensibilisation sur les services qu’offre l'ARPEDAC. La famille a contacté le bureau de l'ARPEDAC à Yaoundé pour obtenir des conseils au sujet de leurs factures d'énergie et des problèmes de la fumée de cuisson. Un agent de l’ARPEDAC a donc organisé une descente dans la famille pour inspecter leur maison et évaluer la situation.

Apres inspection, les résultats ont montré que la famille utilisait inefficacement le feu du bois (voir ci-dessous, photo d’inspection) , donc la fumée allait partout dans toute la maison et le foyer utilisait une grande quantité de bois pour faire un repas familiale. La maison était électrifiée par quatre ampoules à incandescence de 100W.

                                                                   (Photo d’inspection)

L’agent de l’ARPEDAC, après des analyses a conseillé la famille de NGOA de remplacer leur foyer par un foyer améliore, qui coutait 3000 FCFA et les ampoules par des ampoules a faible consommation de 25W qui coutaient 4500FCFA/ampoule et ont une durée de vie, dix fois plus longue que les ampoules conventionnelle.

La commune de Yaoundé ne donnant pas des subventions pour assister les familles pauvrent en énergies. Alors ARPEDAC avec les dons assiste les familles comme celle de NGOA en contribuant 80% du coût de leur projet, pour s’acheter un foyer amélioré et les ampoules a faible consommation.

Apres l’achat des ampoules et du foyer améliore, la facture du bois a ete réduite à 6000FCFA donc de 60% de réduction sur la facture initiale et la facture d’électricité de 10 000FCFA à 2500 FCFA donc une réduction de 75%.

M. et Mme NGOA sont maintenant à la fois bien et heureux. La maison est beaucoup plus moins polluante de fumée de bois et ont souligné :

« C’est beau de se réveiller le matin dans une maison et n'avoir aucune fumée de bois comme dans le passé et les habits ne perçoivent plus la fumée, nos problems de maladie ont disparu »

Leurs finances sont aussi bien meilleurs qu'avant et ils arrivent à payer toutes leurs factures, et leur déchargeant d'une grande quantité de stress et d'anxiété,  l’argent épargner est utilisé pour contribuer a l’éduction et l'eparnouisment des enfants.

Ils ne pouvaient pas croire qu'il y avait donc beaucoup d'aide à leur disposition. Monsieur NGOA a déclaré qu'il craignait pour les autres famille a faible revenue qui sont pauvre en énergie et aussi les retraités qui vivaient dans des conditions très précaire de fumée partout dans la maison et les ampoule a haute consommation d’énergie, car ils ne sont pas conscients qu'ils pouvaient eux aussi se faire aider par ARPEDAC.

Si vous souhaitez soutenir l'ARPEDAC, il existe plusieurs façons que vous pouvez faire un don.

Avec 1000 FCFA ( € 2 ) : Nous pouvons contribuer à la construction ou l’achat d’1 foyer améliore pour une maison de famille a faible revenu

Avec 5000 FCFA ( € 5 ) de don a l’ARPEDAC : Nous pouvons contribuer à l’achat 2 lampes a faible consommation pour une maison de famille a faible revenu

Avec 10.000 FCFA ( € 15 ) : Nous pouvons contribuer à l’achat d’1 Lampes a faible consommation / prise et un interrupteur pour une maison de famille a faible revenu ou l’achat 4 foyers améliore pour quatre familles

Avec 30,000 FCFA ( € 50) : Nous pouvons contribuer à l’achat 2 lampes a faible consommation pour bureau ou chambre d'un centre de sante ou clinique / prise ou l’achat 10 foyers améliore pour dix familles

Avec 50,000 FCFA ( € 75) : Nous pouvons contribuer à l’achat de 5 lampes a faible consommation /installation dans des écoles primaire pour facilites les cours du soir ou contribuer a l’organisation d’1 campagne de sensibilisation ou séminaire/Atelier de formation sur l’efficacité énergétique et l’énergie renouvelable

Avec 100,000 FCFA (€ 150): Nous pouvons contribuer à l’achat 2 Kit d’éclairage solaires de 2 W (voir photos) pour ménages pauvres sans alternative à kérosène d'éclairage, ou les vendeurs ou vendeuses de route qui vendent la nuit.

Contactez nous par e-mail :
Mlle Rose ChiayageCollecte de fonds & Sponsorship Manager
Mr Ngansop B. Magloire,
Secrétaire Exécutif de l’ARPEDAC ,

Par téléphone : (00237) 99838493,
Mail :

Sunday 20 December 2009

Pilot Project to Meet The Millennium Village Goals in NDE (Ouest, Cameroon) : Eco-life and Poverty Alleviation in the Village

NDE Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Centre
Project Background :
Rural Flight, Global Warming and Poverty (RF-GWP) need to be solved simultaneously in a sustainable and holostic approach. In developing countries such as Cameroon, many people in villages live below the poverty line, which is roughly about $1 a day. This leading to shifting population to the cities and the increasing slums and poverty in the urban areas. One of the approach to solve these issues is by creating villages Social and Sustainable Businesses base on The Millennium Village concepts, which state that: “The Millennium Villages are based on a single powerful idea: impoverished villages can transform themselves and meet the Millennium Development Goals, if they are empowered with proven, powerful, practical technologies. By investing in health, food production, education, access to clean water, and essential infrastructure, these community-led interventions will enable impoverished villages to escape extreme poverty, something that currently confines over 1 billion people worldwide. [© Copyright 2006 Millennium Project]”
This would result in equitable sustainable development of villages and cities and simultaneously mitigating RF-GWP at the same time.
The aims of this project is to develop and Implement a pilot project in the NDE (Ouest Cameroon) to demonstrate and promote, eco-life, energy efficient and renewable energy technologies in Central Africa region. A range of green energy technologies, eco-agro and low energy building materials will be shown. Water, energy, food and power produce and use on site will be monitoring, so that net individual contribution in the village eco-life can be evaluated for dissemination, publication and training purpose.
The first phase of the project will focus on research of the NDE ‘stakeholder’s perception and needs related to sustainable development. Then following by organisation of awareness campaigns and capacity building training for stakeholders including villages’ chiefs, local government, and local strategy/policy makers;The second phase will be the formation of a pilot committee to manage the project, and the executive committee to carry out the board decisions.
In this early phase of the project, the Association is looking to increase its partnerships so that it has a broader knowledge, experience and resource base.
the fact is that due to the unusual nature of this project in developing countries such as Cameroon, have local skills and lenders to implement and fund the project should be great challenges. Therefore alternative funding source to finance the project has to be anticipated, one of the option in to create social business opportunities in the NDE. Partnerships will be set between the 14 villages and also open to individuals, businesses, associations, local government who can make available the set-up capital. The board of director will be formed with members from all stakeholders and partners. And the decision making in the project is by single majority of the partners.
After the overheads, profit could be distributed as follows: 50% to divide in equal parts to project partners, 10 % to all 14 villages’ chiefs in the NDE, 20% to a fund for the local development such as schools, local market, and health centre in the NDE department, 20% to a fund to carry on ARPEDAC objectives, such as implementing and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the NDE villages,

Priority for purchasing products and services should be given to local contractors and suppliers.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Project de Recherche à Yaoundé II, Cameroun

Enquête sur les potentialités d’atténuer la pauvreté en s’appuyant sur l’efficacité énergétique pour les ménages à faible revenu à Yaoundé II.

L’efficacité énergétique étant l’usage modéré, économiquement efficient, écologiquement et socialement soutenable des énergies. Elle relève d’un changement des habitudes de production, transport et consommation d’énergie dans les communautés, notamment l’utilisation de méthodes et de matériaux plus adaptés, par exemples : meilleure ventilation par des sources passive de nos bâtiments; ou utilisation des ampoules a faible consommation. Ce projet doit permettre en terme de réduction de la pauvreté, d’atteindre des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) et plus globalement les objectifs de Développement Durable a Yaounde II, de restituer la problématique des énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique dans un contexte global d’amélioration de la sécurité énergétique a Yaounde II.

Cette enquête, devant permettre a ARPEDAC:

1- D’évaluer la perception des ménages à faible revenu a Yaoundé2 par rapport l’efficacité énergétique;
2- De recueillir des données sur les caractéristiques énergétique des logements et sur l’utilisation par les ménages à Yaoundé 2;
3- D’évaluer les technologies et mesures adaptées pour améliorer la condition de vie des menages à maigre revenu, en réduisant a faible coût leurs factures énergétiques;
4- D’identifier les besoins des citoyens et de proposer de nouveaux services appropries d’efficacité énergétique pour des ménages à faible revenu à Yaoundé 2.

ARPEDAC remercie toutes les âmes de bonne volonté qui pourront participer et supporter techniquement, physiquement ou financièrement son projet actuel pour un développement durable a Yaoundé II

Comité de pilotage:

La première réunion du Comité de Pilotage a été organisée le 20 April 2009 à Yaoundé (Cameroun) par le Directeur Exécutif de l’ARPEDAC. C’est au cours de cette réunion que les membres dudit Comité composés notamment du Directeur Exécutif de l’ARPEDAC, des représentants de la Commune, popriétaire de maison, locataires, spécialistes, président d’association, volontaires et chercheurs, ont été désignés.

Liste des membres du comité de pilotage:

NGANSOP Bernard MAgloire (President du Comité) , Directeur Exécutif de l’ARPEDAC

IBRAHIM MOHAMADOU (Vice-President du Comité) , Membre Actif de l’ARPEDAC

KOUNOU Ghislain, ( Membre du Comité)
Coordinateur du Project de recherche de l’ARPEDAC

TONTEH Walters, (Secretaire du Comité)Membre Actif de l’ARPEDAC

FOE Rosette, (Assitante Social, membre du Comité) Membre Actif de l’ARPEDAC

TSOPZE Pascal, (Président d’Association, Membre du Comité) Membre de l’ARPEDAC

KAMNANG Gilbert, (Représentant de la Commune, Membre du Comité) Membre de l’ARPEDAC

Mempouo Blaise (Specialist, membre du comite), Ingénieur maîtrise de l’efficacité énergétique & énergies renouvelables, chercheur à l’Université de Nottingham, UK.

Nous sommes ouverte a toute collaboration, nos contacts : Par mail : arpedac@gmail.comPar téléphone : Cameroon: (00237) 99838493 , Mr Ngansop B. Magloire, Directeur Exécutif d’ARPEDAC , United Kingdom : (0044) 7842044878, Mempouo Blaise, Membre Fondateur and PCA d’ARPEDAC   Par poste : ARPEDAC, BP 20233 Yaoundé, Cameroun

Friday 1 May 2009